Mens Ruby Ring, Gem Size Issues
It might seem like a simple issue but, the gem size in a mens ruby ring needs a lot of decision making to be done. The main reason for this is the pricing and availability of large ruby gems. Gems in most mens rings including a gold or 925 silver mens ring, would generally be quite large. But the term large when used with gem stones, is not the same for all gems. For example, a men's ring with a blue topaz could easily have a gem size that is in the 8 to 10 carat range. However this is ruled out for a ruby gem stone ring where, a size of 3 carats is already presumed to be large. We are ofcourse talking about natural rubies that have been treated only with conventional heating. Fissure filled and glass filled rubies are very much cheaper and can be found in larger sizes too but, these stones are not durable. You should know that gemstone experts accept only conventional heat treatment for ruby, as the effect is permanent and does not reduce the hardness or strength of the gem stone. You can send your queries and requirements related to any gem or jewel to our experts at , we will be glad to help even if you plan to purchase nothing from us.

An octagonal ruby gem for this silver or gold ruby gemstone ring for men. The gemstone is a 7mm octagonal natural certified ruby. The column of glittering diamonds on either side of the center ruby gem, give the ring a superior luxury look. Shown as a men's white gold ruby ring, the MAN141 is modestly priced ... more.

A handsome ruby band ring for men and women, perfect for a pair of ruby wedding bands. You can choose a round 5mm or 7mm ruby gem for your ring. A glittering diamond is set on either side of the center ruby gemstone. The RG215 ruby ring is made to order in all ring sizes and in gold or sterling silver ... more,
Kaisilver can provide mens ruby rings with your choice of design, gem size and shape but it is necessary for you to understand which gem size and shape gives you best value for your money. For example, a 9x7mm octogonal ruby shaped gem could cost about 40% to 50% more than a 9x7mm oval ruby gemstone. It is therefore necessary to select the right jeweler who will advise you ways to get the best value for your money. You can ofcourse choose gold or 925 sterling silver for all your jewelry selections. We provide the same attention and craftsmanship for gold and sterling silver jewelry orders.

A 9x7mm oval ruby gem made to look larger than it is by, setting the gem in a hefty gold or sterling silver men's ring. The ring can also be crafted with an 8x6mm oval ruby, this would reduce the dimensions of the ring proportionately. The diamonds on the side of the ruby can be replaced with gems of your choice ... more.

This is a big ring with a gorgeous 9x7mm oval natural ruby gem is set in the center and haloed with row of sparkling diamonds. Combining the extravagant look of diamonds with one of the most desirable gems of all time - ruby. Crafted by Thailand's expert jewelry artisans and gemstone cutters in gold or 925 silver ... more.
We have had buyers refer to Indian rubies when thinking about a mens ruby ring, but this needs to be clearly understood before a buying decision is made. The opaque variety of rubies available in India can reach sizes of even 10 to 15 carats but, there is a major problem with these rubies. A high concentration of inclusions drastically reduce the durability of the ruby. If you closely observe these Indian rubies, you will notice that they have a flaky kind of appearance. This makes them prone to chipping and cracking, something which will not happen with Mozambique or Burmese rubies. Besides this, Indian rubies are normally treated with oils (yes oils) and color is often added in the treatment process. This is not an acceptable form of treatment for rubies, so it is a good idea to stay away from them.
We do not want to reduce this informative article to a sales pitch, so let us get on with the suggestions and recommendations. When choosing a design for your mens ruby ring, keep the gem size in mind. A custom jeweler like Kaisilver can provide just about any design with a gem stone of your choice. However, the cost factor is important for all jewelry buyers and this requires that attention be given to the price logistics for gems in relation to their size and shape. Few jewelers provide the kind of detailed guidance that Kaisilver does so, it is a good idea to contact our support team at before making a buying decision. Once you have all your queries answered, work with a jeweler that makes you feel comfortable. We will be glad if you get quality for your money, irrespective of where you get your mens ruby gem stone ring from.
RUBY GEMS, SHAPE AND SIZE: Before we get into specific shapes and sizes of rubies, there is something about price logistics that you should be aware of. Most gems are priced per carat (unit of weight) but, the price does not move proportionately to the size and weight of the gem. For example a 2 carat ruby gem of a specific quality (grade), would be priced much higher per carat than, a 1 carat ruby of the same quality. What this implies is that, the price per carat moves up as the size of the ruby increases - this even when you compare rubies of the same quality.
Another important issue related to gem size and weight. Compare the size of a 7mm round ruby gem and an 8mm round ruby. The 7mm ruby would be a tiny bit smaller than the 8mm stone - the difference is just 1mm. Compare the weights and you might be truly surprised. A 7mm round ruby would ideally weigh around 1.2 to 1.25 carats but, the weight of the 8mm round ruby would jump to around 2 carats. And remember that the pricing is done per carat, so you pay significantly more for an 8mm round ruby as compared to a 7mm round ruby - this despite the fact that the gem size varies very marginally. This is something that you should keep in mind when choosing a ruby ring design. This will not be an issue when you order you ring from Kaisilver. This because we place no restriction on design, gem size or shape. Our experts will be glad to come up with a ruby ring design that fits your budget and matches your preferences.
Round Ruby: If you pick a ruby ring with a round gemstone, 6mm or 7mm gem size would give you the best equation between price paid and ruby size. We will of course gladly provided a smaller or larger ruby gem if your budget can handle that. There is an interesting ruby band ring suitable for men and women on this page - RG215. One of the gem size options for this ring is a 5mm round ruby, you could also pick a 7mm round gem.The good thing about the design is that, the ring has an impressive band width of 7mm even with, the 5mm round gemstone. And since the gem almost occupies the entire band width, the 5mm gem appears prominently and seems larger than it really is. The same design idea can be used for rubies of other shapes too.
Rectangular Ruby: For our discussion we will include square, octagonal, rectangular and cushion cut ruby gems in this category. To begin with, most rubies are cut in round and oval shapes, pear shaped rubies would come next. Square ruby gemstone rings are generally possible in the 6mm and below size range. If you wish to wear a ruby ring with an octagonal gemstone, sizes in 8x6mm octagonal would be more easily found. Cushion cut ruby gems are generally custom cut and not many gem cutters stock this shape. At Kaisilver we place absolutely no limitation on your choice of gemstone shape and size. Having said that, unusual cuts and shapes will carry a premium price tag.
Oval Ruby: This is a common shape in which ruby gemstones are cut, it probably explains why men's ruby rings with oval gems are very popular. Men's oval ruby rings are generally seen with gems in the 8x6mm to 10x8mm range. The most popular gem size for men's ruby rings with an oval gem is 9x7mm. Style experts agree that it is this oval ruby gem size that, strikes the right balance between price and gem size. It would be fair to say that oval rubies in the size range 10x8mm and above are considered to be large, prices can carry a significant premium.
Other Ruby Shapes: It is not common to come across fancy shapes cut in ruby gems. This is mainly because these shapes lead to significant loss of stone weight. When you begin to cut a ruby to an unusual shape or cutting pattern, the cost of the final piece would need to bear the cost of the material that is cut off and wasted too. Kaisilver procures rough ruby directly from the mine operators, we custom cut all gems and can therefore accommodate requests for all types of cuts and gem shapes.
Contact the Kaisilver expert team at if you have any questions or requirements.
Related resources: Ruby Rings